Gaze in self-supervised learning

In the last work Medical image supervised learning, we use gaze to help computer aided diagnosis. However, CAM are usually used in supervised learning (with annotation).

In many cases, there are a lot of images that we have corresponding gaze but can not get the annotation. We proposed FocusContrast:

import torch
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from torchvision import transforms
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple


def decouple_to_numpy(pil_img: Image) -> np.array:
    """ This function returns the img and the saliency which are all
        SINGLE channel grayscale

        pil_img ([type]): [special made for openselfsup]

        np.array: [img, 0-1 float], np.array: [img, 0-1 np.float32]

    np_input = np.array(pil_img, dtype=np.uint8)
    np_img = np_input[:, :, 0]/255
    np_saliency = np_input[:, :, 1]/255
    return np_img.astype(np.float32), np_saliency.astype(np.float32)

def prob_wrapper(transform_function: Callable, p: float = 1.0) -> Callable:
    def prob_transform_func(img: np.array, saliency: np.array, *args, **kwargs):
        rand_01 = np.random.random()
        if rand_01 < p:
            img, saliency = transform_function(img, saliency, *args, **kwargs)
        return img, saliency
    return prob_transform_func

def compose(list_of_transforms: list) -> Callable:
    returns composed transform function which have a special input image of
    three channel: [grayscale_org_img, saliency, zeros]

        list_of_transforms (list): [list of transform in Operator and FocusContrastOperator]

        function: [composed transform, input is a pil image]
    def composed_transforms(img, saliency):
        for transform_func in list_of_transforms:
            img, saliency = transform_func(img, saliency)
        return img, saliency
    return composed_transforms

def pipeline(transforms_and_probs: List[Tuple[Callable, float]]) -> Callable:
    """ Returns the entire process pipeline function
        that have a input of pil image and have a output of tensor

        transforms_and_probs (List[Callable, float]): [()]

        Callable: [description]
    prob_transform_func = []
    for transform_func, p in transforms_and_probs:
        prob_transform_func.append(prob_wrapper(transform_func, p))
    composed_func = compose(prob_transform_func)

    def inner(pil_img: Image) -> torch.tensor:
        img, saliency = decouple_to_numpy(pil_img)
        img, saliency = composed_func(img, saliency)
        return torch.from_numpy(img.astype(np.float32))
    return inner

def torch_function_for_numpy(torch_func: Callable) -> Callable:
    """ This function turns a
        torch.tensor->torch.tensor function to np.array->np.array function

        torch_func (function): [torch.tensor->torch.tensor]

        TypeError: [only support 0.0-1.0 image]

        function: [np.array->np.array]
    ''' This function turns a
        torch.tensor->torch.tensor function to np.array->array function
    def numpy_func(np_img: np.array):
        assert (np_img.dtype == np.float32 and np.max(np_img) <=
                1 and np.min(np_img) >= 0), "image has to be 0-1 and np.float32"
        torch_img = torch.from_numpy(np_img)
        torch_result = torch_func(torch_img)
        np_result = torch_result.numpy()
        return np_result
    return numpy_func

def same_random_transform_on_both(img: np.array, saliency: np.array, np_random_transform: Callable) -> np.array:
    """ Perform transform function (np.array->np.array) on two np image (both 0-1 and 0-255 are supported)

        img (np.array): [0-1 np.array]
        saliency (np.array): [0-1 np.array]
        np_random_transform (function): [np.array->np.array]

        np.array: [transformed img and saliency]
    w, h = img.shape
    coupled_input = np.zeros(shape=(3, w, h), dtype=np.float32)
    coupled_input[0, :, :] = img
    coupled_input[1, :, :] = saliency
    result = np_random_transform(coupled_input)
    result_img = result[0]
    result_saliency = result[1]
    return result_img, result_saliency

class Operator:
    """ Augmentation operators that are not work with saliency or any other information
    # config = {'degree':}

    @ staticmethod
    def color_distort(img: np.array, saliency: np.array) -> np.array:
        torch_color_distort = transforms.ColorJitter(
            brightness=0.2, contrast=0.8)
        numpy_color_distort = torch_function_for_numpy(torch_color_distort)
        # we need a three channel channel first
        img = np.array([img, img, img])
        result = numpy_color_distort(img)
        return result[0], saliency

    @ staticmethod
    def random_flip(img, saliency) -> np.array:
        torch_random_flip = transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip()
        numpy_random_flip = torch_function_for_numpy(torch_random_flip)
        result_img, result_saliency = same_random_transform_on_both(
            img, saliency, numpy_random_flip)
        return result_img, result_saliency

    @ staticmethod
    def random_rotate(img, saliency) -> np.array:
        torch_random_rotate = transforms.RandomRotation(degrees=CONFIG_DEGREE)
        numpy_random_rotate = torch_function_for_numpy(torch_random_rotate)
        result_img, result_saliency = same_random_transform_on_both(
            img, saliency, numpy_random_rotate)
        return result_img, result_saliency

    @ staticmethod
    def random_crop(img, saliency) -> np.array:
        zoom_in_ratio = (CONFIG_ZOOMIN-1.2) * np.random.rand(1) + 1.2
        w, h = img.shape
        new_w, new_h = int(w*zoom_in_ratio), int(h*zoom_in_ratio)
        new_img = cv.resize(img, dsize=(new_w, new_h))
        new_saliency = cv.resize(saliency, dsize=(new_w, new_h))

        p = (np.random.randint(low=0, high=new_w-w),
             np.random.randint(low=0, high=new_h-h))

        cropped_img = new_img[p[0]:p[0]+w, p[1]:p[1]+h]
        cropped_saliency = new_saliency[p[0]:p[0]+w, p[1]:p[1]+h]
        return cropped_img, cropped_saliency

    @ staticmethod
    def random_cutout(img, saliency, minimal_size=32) -> np.array:
        minimal_size = CONFIG_CUTOUT
        w, h = img.shape
        canvas = np.zeros(img.shape)
        pt1 = (np.random.randint(low=0, high=w-minimal_size),
               np.random.randint(low=0, high=h-minimal_size))
        # pt2 = (pt1[0]+minimal_size, pt1[1]+minimal_size)
        pt2 = (np.random.randint(low=pt1[0]+minimal_size, high=w),
               np.random.randint(low=pt1[1]+minimal_size, high=h))
        mask = cv.rectangle(canvas, pt1, pt2, color=1.0,

        result = np.multiply(1-mask, img)
        return result, saliency

    @ staticmethod
    def reshape(img, saliency, target_shape=(224,224)) -> np.array:
        new_img = cv.resize(img, dsize=target_shape)
        new_saliency = cv.resize(saliency, dsize=target_shape)
        return new_img, new_saliency

    @ staticmethod
    def to_RGB(img, saliency) -> np.array:
        if len(img.shape)==2:
            img = np.stack([img,img,img])
        if len(saliency.shape)==2:
            saliency = np.stack([saliency,saliency,saliency])
        return img, saliency

class FocusContrastOperator:
    """ Augmentation operator with focus/saliency
    @ staticmethod
    def focus_drop(img, saliency, drop_to=0.1) -> np.array:
        # make this 0-1
        saliency = cv.GaussianBlur(saliency, (199, 199), 0)
        saliency = saliency/(0.01+np.max(saliency))
        # add non-saliece-value to make the image not entirely black
        saliency += drop_to
        saliency = np.clip(saliency, 0, 1)
        result = np.multiply(img, saliency)
        return result, saliency

    @ staticmethod
    def focus_crop(img, saliency, threshold=0.9, zoom_in_ratio=CONFIG_ZOOMIN) -> np.array:
        w, h = img.shape
        zoom_in_ratio = (zoom_in_ratio-1) * np.random.rand(1) + 1 # 1-zoom_in_ratio
        new_w, new_h = int(w*zoom_in_ratio), int(h*zoom_in_ratio)
        new_img = cv.resize(img, dsize=(new_w, new_h))
        new_saliency = cv.resize(saliency, dsize=(
            new_w, new_h), interpolation=cv.INTER_NEAREST)

        def get_new_pt1():
            pt1 = (np.random.randint(low=0, high=new_w-w),
                   np.random.randint(low=0, high=new_h-h))
            return pt1

        rand_pt1 = get_new_pt1()
        saliency_crop = new_saliency[rand_pt1[0]:rand_pt1[0]+w,
        saliency_ratio = np.sum(saliency_crop) / \
        # if the generated crop have too little overlap with the saliency, desprecate it
        # and generate a new mask until it passes.
        counter = 0
        while(saliency_ratio < threshold and counter < 200):
            rand_pt1 = get_new_pt1()
            saliency_crop = new_saliency[rand_pt1[0]:rand_pt1[0]+w,
            saliency_ratio = np.sum(saliency_crop) / \
            # print(saliency_ratio)
            counter += 1

        cropped_img = new_img[rand_pt1[0]:rand_pt1[0]+w,
        cropped_saliency = new_saliency[rand_pt1[0]:rand_pt1[0]+w,
        return cropped_img, cropped_saliency

    @ staticmethod
    def focus_cutout(img, saliency, threshold=400, minimal_size=CONFIG_CUTOUT) -> np.array:
        w, h = img.shape

        def get_new_cutoutmask():
            canvas = np.zeros(img.shape)
            pt1 = (np.random.randint(low=0, high=w-minimal_size),
                   np.random.randint(low=0, high=h-minimal_size))
            # pt2 = (pt1[0]+minimal_size, pt1[1]+minimal_size)
            pt2 = (np.random.randint(low=pt1[0]+minimal_size, high=w),
                   np.random.randint(low=pt1[1]+minimal_size, high=h))
            mask = cv.rectangle(canvas, pt1, pt2, color=1.0,
            return mask
        rand_mask = get_new_cutoutmask()
        # if the generated mask have too much overlap with the saliency, desprecate it
        # and generate a new mask until it passes.
        overlap = np.sum(rand_mask*saliency)
        # print("overlap is:", overlap)
        counter = 0
        while(overlap > threshold and counter < 100):
            rand_mask = get_new_cutoutmask()
            overlap = np.sum(rand_mask*saliency)
            counter += 1
        result = np.multiply(1-rand_mask, img)
        return result, saliency